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Posts by Neha Nandakumar

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Chores, Chores, and More Chores

A friend two time zones away teaches me to use the oven over a videocall (and tells me that I’m cutting the capsicum all wrong). Another friend teaches me the basics of laundry (no, Neha, you’re not supposed to fill the entire cap with detergent). My roommate teaches me to make rice, sees my failed…

by Neha NandakumarIndia, Simon Fraser University
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The First Sign of Winter

On November 5th 2023, the sun slips away from the afternoon sky. I’m bamboozled—what is going on? And then my roommate tells me: today, the clock changes. Daylight savings time is over. When something ridiculous like this happens, when time changes on a whim, you’re suddenly brought in contact with how some things we take…

by Neha NandakumarIndia, Simon Fraser University
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Between the Bookshelves

I look a bit silly carrying a heavy bag, smothered by a thick winter jacket, hauling a stack of books to the counter. But when I first came here, I asked the librarian, “How many books can I check out at a time?” and she said, “As many as you can carry.” Rookie mistake. Now,…

by Neha NandakumarIndia, Simon Fraser University
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